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Congratulations on the news of your growing family!

As a mother, I will never understand where the time goes. This is what my two used to look like...

And now they really don't! These photos are so precious to look back on and remember how cute and tiny they once were.


I would love to give other families out there the chance to capture these moments at an affordable price, without compromising on the quality. Better yet, I can come to yours and do it in the comfort of your own house! 


Perfect for any mums recovering after a C-Section. Or simply for every parent out there that is so sleep deprived and feeling lifeless. Sit at home, with your feet up and a cuppa and I'll do the rest! Provided baby lets me, you'll only have to step in for soothing / feeding.


It's also really beneficial for older babies as they are in familiar surroundings, so tend to warm up to me being there really well, making it a much more pleasant experience for everyone.

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Just £175

Your shoot will be scheduled around your due date. Now I know babies can come at any time, but I would have a 2 week window after baby is born where we can get your shoot officially booked for the dinky, sleepy pics. Don't worry, I know I am not no.1 on your 'to call' list when it comes to announcing the birth of your child! So simply to let me know as soon as you're ready after baby is born, and home safely and we will go from there.


I will allow 3 hours for us to be able to get the photos we require. This time includes the set up and take down of any portable studio equipment, as well as time for settling / changing / feeding baby. I also don't just capture your baby! I will always allow family members and pets in on the shoot so that you can get a lovely family photo with the newest addition. 


Your album will be displayed in a password protected viewing gallery, where you will be able to choose your 5 digital images to receive from the shoot, with the option to buy more. Individual images are charged at £15 per image, however there will be a bulk rate for the whole album once the album is complete. You will also receive 1no. 8”x10” glossy print.


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I recommend you make your home nice and warm, especially in winter, to create a lovely environment while we take the photos. Remember baby may not have a lot of clothes on during the shoot, so although we may be hot, they need the added warmth. This should help to keep baby asleep, relaxed, and content during the photoshoot.


You are also welcome to come to my home studio in Pool, should you want to get out of the house for the shoot. This price covers shoots within 30 miles of Redruth. I will happily travel further to capture your precious little one, however additional mileage charges will apply.

Furry friends are always welcome on my shoots! Especially if they end up cute things like this...
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Baby Oakley-38
Baby Sam-43
Nella-Rose 1-31
Baby Sam-39
Baby Oakley-36
Nella-Rose 1-40
Baby Oakley-39

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